Cryptix History
Version 0.1a
- Carbon version.
- First beta release ^_^, first free-ware.
Version 0.1b
- Mach-O version.
Version 0.1c
- Some parts rewritten.
- Addition of the manual.
- Adding RC4 encryption capacity.
- Adding unix tool "Whereis".
Version 0.1d
- Some parts rewritten.
- Addition of a little front end for OpenSSL who ll be in the future transformed in a full gui.
- Work on the icons and the global interface.
- Adding the twofish Encryption / Decryption capacity.
Version 0.1e
- Adding a more complete manual.
- Addition of the Mnemonic pw generator.
Version 0.1f
- Adding OpenSSL encryption capacity for cryptix to crypt file with ciphers.
- Adding a manual for OpenSSL.
- Adding the thread viewer.
- new OpenSSL front end for benchmark & easy operations.
Version 0.1f-r1
- Add Select all function.
- Add possibility to metalize the main window.
- Add the zlib compression capacity.
- Add the RC4 Benchmark (Need rewriting).
Version 0.2
- Add Wordlist generator.
- Add JTR(John The ripper) GUI.
- Add bourne shell operator.
- Some parts reajusted.
- Add CA generator.
Version 0.3
- JTR reajusted.
- Tiger ready.
- Some improvments.
Version 0.4
- Add the telnet tool.
- JTR corrected.
Version 0.5
- Add the rot13 Algorythm.
- Some parts reajusted.
- This soft is now shareware 10$.
Version 0.6
- Some parts reajusted.
- Add the steganography tool for images.
- Add the CRC Checksum tool.
- New Icon.
Version 0.61
- MD5 can hash multiples words (Thanks to beta testers).
- Interface is now fully in english (Thanks to erik winklers).
- Possibility to save the the CRC report.
- RC4 crypt - decrypt in realtime using your own key.
- Rot13 button corrected.
- Add the Adler32 checksum.
- Add the speech support.
- Record your text files to voice AIFF.
- Some parts rewrited.
- Add Keychain support for OpenSSL Password.
- Repaired the preferences Menu Item.
- Add gzip compression for files.
- Add bzip2 compression for files.
- Add Alpha, Numeric, AlphaNumeric for Password generator.
- Add the Secure erase file.
- Repaired a bug about checkbox.
- Manual partially rewrited.
Version 0.62
- Add Print functionality.
- Add Check updates functionality.
- Add Mail functionality to send encrypted text.
- Add UUencode / UUdecode for files.
- Add Macbinary for files.
- Add Password crypt.
- Add a Wordlist reader.
- Add French localization (BETA).
- Add an icon for the wordlist created.
- Add a .htpasswd generator.
- Corrected a bug with "Aes, Ano & Twofish".
- Corrected texts fields.
- Corrected Sha256,512 fields.
- Corrected threads result.
- Corrected the encodings of the main window.
- Corrected two bugs on the main window (Thanks to hacecolor).
- Corrected bugs on metal windows.
- JTR now compiled to support Alti/vec.
- JTR updated to version 1.7.
- Passwords need admin rights to be seen.
- Passwords storage with Rating System (Strong Encryption) (BETA).
- Passwords of the main windows are now stored in the keychains.
- Code optimized.
- Rewrite menu bar interface.
- Repaired the JTR selection of dictionaries.
- Preferences files are now encrypted.
- Steganography don't save to .Pict anymore but to the format you use...
- Link to the "Certificate Assistant".
- Link to the "Security prefpane".
- Now PPC / Intel Version.
Version 0.63
- Add a Unix password generator.
- Add a Network part.
- Add a DNS test.
- Add interface window to list all the interfaces of a network.
- Add access to the built-in MacOsx password assistant.
- Add access to the kerberos tool.
- Add threads of currents applications.
- Add a reader for cry file created with OpenSSL.
- Add an icon for cry file.
- Add a module to search MD5 words on google.
- Add mail buttons on many parts.
- Add serpent encryption capacity.
- Add the "open menu" for the "reader".
- Add a shell selector on the preferences.
- Corrected menus of the french version.
- Correction of the reader.
- Correction and optimization of the code.
- Correction of the preferences part.
- Better image interface for installation.
- Some parts reajusted, Interfaces & others...
- Some improvements for the interface.
- Unified interface for Manual, Logs, Shell, Infos, Locate.
Version 0.64
- Add a process tool on "Unix" part.
- Correction of the "MD5 C" field result.
- Correction of the "RC4" field result.
- Correction of the "Zlib" field result.
- Correction of the "Ukno" field result and button.
- Correction of the "Select All" for Serpent.
- Correction of the "Google Search MD5" interface".
- Correction of a bug on "Unix window".
- Correction of a bug at launch.
- Correction of a bug on "CRC".
- Correction of a bug when you click the register button.
- Correction of each "Toolbar icons".
- Correction of many "Save parts".
- Correction of bugs "register,thanks,preference" when launch under Leopard (Thanks to Brent Austin).
- Unified interface for Interfaces, DNS Test, Telnet.
- Unified interface for "Preferences".
- JTR updated to version
- Interfaces improvements.
Version 0.65
- Add a FAQ on Rbcafe.com.
- Add drag & drop for the reader.
- Add a lock capacity for stego Passwords.
- Add a MD5 Checksum Functionality.
- Add a clipboard capacity inside "Checksum".
- Add the mail capacity inside "stego".
- Add (Outguess) GUI to hide files inside images.
- Add network physical.
- New interface for the preferences.
- New interface for checksum.
- New interface for .htpasswd generator.
- New interface for Mnemonic passsword.
- New interface for Password crypt, generator.
- New interface for Password storage.
- Compilation of JTR for Universal.
- Correction of a bug at launch.
- Correction of the MD5 Google Search.
- Correction of the "MD5 H" field Result.
- Correction of the "Binary" field Result (Thanks to Noah).
- Correction of the Gzip Decompression.
- Correction of bugs inside the reader.
- Correction of bugs inside the main interface.
- Correction of bugs inside the unix interface.
- Correction of french traductions.
- Correction of the menu.
Version 0.70
- New main interface.
- New steganography interface.
- Add the refresh Windows menu.
- Add logs windows for the ciphers.
- Add the lzw compression.
- Add the RipeMD128 Hash.
- Add the RipeMD160 Hash.
- Add the SHA384 Hash.
- Add ECB, CBC for AES.
- Add ECB, CBC, CFB1 for Twofish.
- Add the Vigenere encryption capacity.
- Add the MD5, CRC, Adler Analysis with drop method.
- Add the Counting caracter on the main interface.
- Add logs inside (Outguess) GUI.
- Add the (Mersenne) GUI.
- Add (Quality Icon) 'Beta'.
- Add the (Password Notes) 'Beta'.
- Add (Check for updates) inside Preferences windows.
- Add csh and ksh selector for shell.
- Correction of the "Zlib" field Result.
- Correction of the password assistant.
- Correction of copy & paste.
- Correction of the alerts icons.
- Correction of the password storage.
- Correction of the threads window.
- Correction of the network window.
- Correction of the unix window.
- Correction of a Blowfish bug.
- Correction of the Speech technic.
- Correction of the htpassword options.
- Correction of the Preferences windows.
Version 0.71
- Correction of a bug in (Quality Icon).
- Correction of a bug in registration process (Thanks to Ed Chapman & Brent Austin).
Version 0.72
- Add Selectall for checksum.
- Add 'multiple drag' to checksum.
- Correction of the transparency slider accuracy.
- New disk image icon.
Version 0.73
- Add direct access to 'Microsoft Cert Manager'.
- Add direct access to 'firmware password manager'.
- Add (Signature Reader).
- Add (RSA Key Generator).
- Correction of the passwords fields on the main window (Thanks to Rika Suzuki).
- Correction of Password Crypt.
- Correction of a bug in left panel.
- Correction of graphics.
- Correction of the process window.
- Compilation of Pwcrypt for Universal.
- New lock system.
Version 0.74
- Add SHA1 Checksum.
- Correction of localizations.
- Correction of a bug with drag & drop.
Version 0.75
- Add WEP Generator.
- Correction of the RSA Export.
- Correction of the SHA1 Checksum.
Version 0.76
- Add IPV6 for reverse DNS (Experimental).
- Correction of the reverse DNS.
- Correction of the interface list.
- Correction of the logs.
Version 0.77
- Add Icon & easy open for each encryption, encoding, hash schemes (Experimental) (Thanks to Rika Suzuki).
- Add import in the main menu.
- Add refresh button to Threads.
- Add new documentation (Beta).
- Add new ciphers selector.
- Add Logs inside menu.
- Add the Gost Hash.
- Add the MD2 Hash.
- Add the MD4 Hash.
- Add the SHA224 Hash.
- Add the RipeMD256 Hash.
- Add the RipeMD320 Hash.
- Correction of checksum print.
- Correction of open menu.
- Correction of password notes.
- Correction of password manager.
- Correction of a bug in (Quality Icon).
- Correction of a bug in Outguess.
- Correction of ukno field.
- Correction of MD5H field.
- Correction while quitting Cryptix.
- Correction of WEP Generator.
- Correction of SHA1 Checksum.
- Correction of email sending in Steganography.
- Correction of the updater.
- Correction of CRC.
- Correction of french localization.
- Many bug fixes.
Version 0.80
- Snow Leopard compatible.
- Many bug fixes.
- Correction of Import.
- Correction of Save all.
- Correction of the documentation.
Version 0.81
- Add the Cesar encryption capacity.
- Add the Tiger2 Hash.
- Add the Whirlpool Hash.
- Correction of the installer.
- Correction of the erase window.
- Correction of the select-all in the main window.
- Correction of Gost export.
Version 0.82
- Add new SHA1 table.
- Correction of all checksums panels.
- Correction of the main window.
- JTR updated to version 1.7.
- JTR compiled to support Intel 64Bit.
Version 0.83
- Add UUID Generator.
- Add Authenticity Box inside preferences.
- Correction of Mersenne menu.
- Correction of Openssl menu.
- Correction of Logs menu.
- Fehashmac compiled to support Intel 64Bit.
- Outguess compiled to support Intel 64Bit.
- Pwgen compiled to support Intel 64Bit.
- Pwcrypt compiled to support Intel 64Bit.
Version 0.84
- Add OpenSSL Random Generator.
- Add Core Checksum inside preferences.
- Many bug fixes.
Version 0.85
- Correction of the Wep Generator.
- Correction of the OpenSSL Generator.
- Correction of the Erase window.
- Global Correction of the menu.
Version 0.86
- Add CSV Export.
- Add CSV Export Correction.
- Add Splitter Selection.
- Add Choose Font for Unix and technical fields.
- Add Lash160 Hash.
- Add Lash256 Hash.
- Add Lash384 Hash.
- Add Lash512 Hash.
- Correction of Blowfish field.
- Correction of Reset windows position.
- Correction of French translation.
- Correction of the documentation.
Version 0.87
- Correction of the Wordlist generator.
- Correction of the blowfish 447 Export.
- Correction of the splitter selection.
Version 0.90
- Interface change of JTR.
- Interface change of Wordlist generator.
- Interface change of all password generators.
- Addition of users in Unix section.
- Addition of choice to buy Cryptix.
- Correction of the main interface.
- Correction of the SHA1 interface.
- Correction of blowfish.
- Correction of the logs.
Version 0.91
- Correction of the CSV preference choice.
- Correction of the twofish implementation.
- Correction of the blowfish key generation.
- Correction of the blowfish window.
- Correction of the characters counting in main window.
- Correction of exit process.
- Correction of ukno keychains.
- Correction of keychains.
- Amelioration of Process.
Version 1.0
- Cryptix is now freeware.
- Cryptix is now signed.
- Cryptix is optimized for Snow Leopard 10.6.
- Cryptix icon adapted to 512 size.
- Reworked installer.
- Correction of OpenSSL generator.
- Correction of code.
- Correction of generators.
- Correction of interface.
- Outguess removed.